Saturday 23 June 2012

Ranting time! 13-14 year olds who decide to tell us all about their complicated relationships and their cheating boyfriends - you have no childhood!! First of all no one really cares that your pubescent, mophead other half has cheated on you around the back of the jungle gym, and second of all, what has your childhood consisted of up until now? When I was 13 I was riding my scooter around my estate with my cousin and watching ScoobyDoo 2 (the best one). I wasn't concerning myself with how big I could get my boobs to look in photos or if my hotpants were short enough! You're making it seem like it's your life ambition to be a page 3 girl or a stripper for crying out loud!
Go and enjoy your youth!!
Oh yeah, lastly, when you put pictures of yourself in see through lace tops and shorts, pouting and wearing fake eyelashes, some people will find it offensive :') But please stop making it worse by putting comments like "fuk da haterzz." or "i was bored."
1. You are a complete chav and you should not be having "haterzz" at the age of 13
2. No you were not bored. You decided to take a picture of yourself and needed an excuse. If you're really bored, go and watch tv, or read a book, or go for a walk. Not difficult.
AND BREATHE......rant over.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Okay so here in Wales it's 10pm and I am zonked (feel free to pass on that word, it will trend i promise) and today was a satisfying day. first GCSE exam is on monday and I'm not hitting the 'panic wall' yet, I'm confident and trying not to stress! Anyway, I decided to go to the library to revise/study and it was SO peaceful. I loved it! I sat there for ages writing away and actually got a load of work done.
This may have been more exciting to me than it sounds to you, but I had recently watched Matilda (such a good film) and was inspired!
This is my thought for today, no one seems to go to the library anymore for anything but computers...and I think that's sad! I always loved the library, when I was little my dad used to take me and we'd spend hours in armchairs or on beanbags just reading.
I was taken away on The Magic Wishing Chair and climbed up The Far Away Tree with that weird guy who had a slide in his house......
Nobody probably read those so I'll move on.....The Famous Five and their picnics! Ah how I loved their picnics!
If I didn't have my (stupid) exams I would have easily taken out about 20-30 books today, I looked around and there were kids about 6 or 7 years old, playing Mario Kart in the childrens area. WHY!?
One kid was sat there with a Horrible Histories book right next to him, watching TV! I was lost for words, if my childhood had consisted of television and video games every day, I would be brain dead by now!
Pffss, it annoyed me to say the least.
Anyway, it's quarter past 10 here in Wales and I'm now in a comatosed state...goodnight and god bless x

Tuesday 10 April 2012

I think an introduction is necessary...

Aloha. I'm not from Hawaii, just thought I'd spice things up a bit. Not in that way....well this is going swimmingly. Let's start again shall we......
Hello! I'm Brittany Isaac, preferably known as Bee if you please. 15 years young as I start this blog and I thought an introduction, quick "get to know me" post was the norm for things like this.
       I decided to name this blog: 'Just a cup of tea and a thought' because that's what it is, I sit down in my unbearably comfortable, pastel pink armchair with my lovely hot cuppa to hand and my laptop, then freely write about anything I've found funny, interesting, sad, angering or whatever else. Seeing as my posts will reveal most about me, I'll keep this fairly short:
I love: Have I Got News For You, tea, books (and their smell - don't judge), stationary, finding the artwork to go with songs or albums on my ipod, going to the gym (though you wouldn't tell by the state of my physique) and setting my alarm half an hour before I have to get up so I have the satisfaction of going back to sleep again until I actually shift myself.
I hate: The utter dribble that is on TV such as Jersey Shore, The Only Way Is Essex or Desperate Scousewives. the self-loathing you get once you eat something fattening, waiting for tea to brew, seeing something you want to buy and realising you can't afford it and homophobic people.
If you have negative views towards my posts, I have simple advice, don't read it then you won't get those feelings. (You'd think it would be obvious, no?)